There be dragons.
Wander around the Pond. Where are the fairytales?
It is you/we/us who make them up!
The railroad reigns us in
This is the story of 100 summers and more
And all the other forests, all look alike, except in different ways. The challenge is to be lost and found again, to recognize all the trees.
Our days are all alike, except they are all now.
Every tree has its own character, imagine them as people, or as ghosts, or as beings.
There was a time when most of Concord was clear-cut. When trees were firewood, waiting for the axeman's kill. But this was always a forest, Fairyland Pond stood guard.
What is at the bottom of this Pond? And will it ever reveal its secrets?
Wander around the Pond. Where are the fairytales?
It is you/we/us who make them up!
The railroad reigns us in
This is the story of 100 summers and more
And all the other forests, all look alike, except in different ways. The challenge is to be lost and found again, to recognize all the trees.
Our days are all alike, except they are all now.
Every tree has its own character, imagine them as people, or as ghosts, or as beings.
There was a time when most of Concord was clear-cut. When trees were firewood, waiting for the axeman's kill. But this was always a forest, Fairyland Pond stood guard.
What is at the bottom of this Pond? And will it ever reveal its secrets?
"werifesteria" is an obscure word from Old English.
"to wander longingly through the forest in search of mystery and adventure."