There is Visible Magic.
Videos, photographs which come from time machines of cameras.
Computers are a kind of magic. Anything going on behind the scenes, which we do not have access to.
Religion might be magic, or the magic of ritual, or the distraction of ritual. Maybe each person brings their own magic.
Invisible Magic works on people as an unseen, and unfelt force. Nobody is trying to trick anyone, because here you cannot be tricked.
You can only trust a feeling. And dive inside of the feeling. Use it against the dragons of sadness, of depression, of fear and anxiety. The things which try to pull you apart. And for which you have no power to fight them. Take this Invisible Magic and run with it-see how far it takes you.
Videos, photographs which come from time machines of cameras.
Computers are a kind of magic. Anything going on behind the scenes, which we do not have access to.
Religion might be magic, or the magic of ritual, or the distraction of ritual. Maybe each person brings their own magic.
Invisible Magic works on people as an unseen, and unfelt force. Nobody is trying to trick anyone, because here you cannot be tricked.
You can only trust a feeling. And dive inside of the feeling. Use it against the dragons of sadness, of depression, of fear and anxiety. The things which try to pull you apart. And for which you have no power to fight them. Take this Invisible Magic and run with it-see how far it takes you.