Thursday, January 31, 2019

Documenting the Decline of Greenpoint

At one point in the future, Greenpoint will have become the neighborhood it is growing into.

As of today, it is still in a weird transition.

On the same day, they listed 2 pieces of news in the hyper-local online sites.

First, our favorite restaurant is closing after 20 years (because that is the life expectancy of a joint in this hood?).
This is a year after Matchless closed, another great bar that defined the nightlife of this neighborhood.

And second, there was a piece of hate mail sent to a couple who are running a business out of their home.  It was anti-semitic and anonymous (of course), and the funny part is-the couple isn't even JEWISH!!!

So what does that mean-were they targeted by stupid bigots (yes-that's certainly contributing), were they assuming that because one of them was Mexican/Cuban and the other was Italian. was it sheer terror or foreigners? In a Polish neighborhood?-With Williamsburg next door, can they not even IDENTIFY who they hate-or are they trying to target hipsters?

is the neighborhood shifting in ways that are freaking people out? Yes. But go to one of the local places and celebrate, while you still can. And be nice to your neighbors. Please.