Monday, January 13, 2014

The Song That Made Poppi Get Better

Monday night, just got off the phone with my Mom about my aunt, (Titia Concessao).  She'll be dying in another day or two.  That's what the nurse said, and nurses are always right.  At least they were when my Father was in the hospital.

But you wrote a song for your Grandfather, who has been in the ICU in Miami for 10 days.

"Sun Bright
Sun light
Put that Golden Light in Between
It's Happiness
What What
It's Happiness!!"

You sing it like a rap and you do a butt-shake dance.

It was adapted from a song about Pricker that you started to sing to me but I didn't get it.

Your Father was SO happy to see that his father was being taken off the respirator and could TALK!  (VERY drugged!)  He put you on and you sang your song to him.  But you said it was your song that got him better (you wrote it this morning or last night, in yellow marker)

You tried to engage me in a pillow fight, but you used the smallest pillow and it really hurt so I wasn't in the mood.  (And I try not to "rev you" up at night, your Dad finds it hard enough to get you to go to sleep.  So only pillow fights in the morning.)

And then you started calling me "Smelly Pits" and we played keep away in the hallway, between the glass doors.

And I have to go to Le Cheile for a meeting about TokoNoMAA moving from Taszo Cafe to the Hebrew Tabernacle.  That'll be the 3rd place it's been.  I don't know if my Mousetraps will go, someone has bought them!!

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