Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Handshake on the Sidewalk

Dear Prince,

You sent a note to me today. 23 words or so.

I responded with 19.

You are very stingy with your words. I shall feed you on the same diet. (also because I can't bear to TRY with you anymore)

I know you havent unfrozen yet.

An hour later, we meet on the sidewalk. With others, especially one who is eager to be nice to me.

She talks, wants to be friends. It's easy with her. No games, no illness.

You hold out your hand as if we are friends. I hesitate, but accept and thanks you for the note. Which was a flare on the horizon.

Last time you saw this in me, you hugged me.

And we havent spoken for 6 months.

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