Friday, March 7, 2014

You got your package yesterday!!

Minecraft in real life!!

Like paper dolls or origami!

I gave you that hat!! You've used it for costumes a million times!

Cody has been keeping me company during the day, on the green couch. (The one that doesn't say ouch!)

8pm Bedtime!

You & I played with pipe cleaners, and you made a guy. I tried a magic trick with giraffes.

Your Dad brought 4 guys over to rehearse for a gig. So far, they played "Autumn Leaves", "White Room with Black Curtains" and "Give Me Something Good". All over the place, but really awesome.

This is how I had envisioned my time here.

For more than a month, I've been really sick with the flu, even coughing tonight a lot!! Ugh.

I installed my scroll project at the Hebrew Tabernacle yesterday. The best place for it, visually. Told your Mom. She just got cast in another show!! Playing the sheriff!

I only want to remember the music and Art!!

(You politely turned off the tv, Uncle Grandpa was on. And now I think I can hear you snoring. You didn't even turn on the crickets!!)

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