Saturday, February 22, 2014

Obscene banana

Just for documentary purposes.

I think you'd laugh when you see this as a grownup.

You like to shock me by talking about wieners.

I took the bad banana away and gave you another one to draw on.

Your father was napping in the Drum Room. We heard drumming & imagined he was drumming in his sleep.

I couldn't find drawing paper (because I'm packing & have been sick, so everything's a mess)

Banana has been your favorite word for a while now.

When your Dad woke up, he said "I've never seen anyone do Banana Art". He says that about most of what I do, which I assume is a compliment.

Had a dream where I defended a friend of mine, he had lots of artistic projects going on. None of which were making money.

Sounds too familiar.

I wrote back to the Venus theater festival , confirming that I wouldn't have my show in the lineup for April.

Lately I've been trying to be better about telling people why I can't di something or go out with them (because I've been tortured by not being hired & by L, who told me to "be patient" instead of the opposite)

The real reasons:
I saw their Holocaust show (it was AWFUL!!)
Not a group I want to be identified with
I don't have enough of a support group
I don't have the $$
I don't have the support system of the apt that I'd need for rehearsals/meetings
I can't host my Mom during the performances. (She never comes to NYC, but she actually seemed excited to come)

Glad not to do it, but if everything was still the same, I coulda done it& been proud!!

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