Sunday, February 17, 2013

To Boy: Bipolar Symptoms To Expect

And now, Boy, this is what happens when the Person Under The Spell disappoints you.

Yet again.

You wish them the BEST, go out of your way to bring them gifts and happy moments.  You think that if only you can make them smile, the world will be better.  (And sometimes it is true)

But he's let me down TWICE in 2 days.  He was gonna DROP stuff off in PERSON a few nights ago.  Then bring it over in the morning.  Then do it today.  Told him I was leaving by 2:30. And now I am fuming (useless, I know, but at least I can tell you about what you can expect!  Listen to me.  He can't get out of bed.  Or doesn't seem to remember-or prioritize you as a person-isn't that WORSE?  Not even to drop you a line.  When it was so easy for him to write endlessly last night.

WHY?  Because he hadn't gotten a good night's sleep.  And he's going to drink tonight (one glass of wine is enough for him to SUDDENLY become prolific.)  That's the thing that creeps me out.

He is NOT nice to me when he is on his Meds and keeps a regular sleep schedule.  He stays away from me if I give off a mere whiff of vulnerability.  But, WORSE, his sensitive side comes out eventually.  He hugged me last time, after I cried in front of him.

I want to CONFRONT him (which is one thing you should NEVER do.  Imagine that this lovely person you love is a Bear.  Hidden in their brain is a defense mechanism.  DON'T touch it.  They will tear you apart.)

Nothing today.  Blow me off once, shame on you, blow me off twice, shame on me.  What about setting boundaries....

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