Friday, December 14, 2012

Donde Viven Los Monstruos

Here is what you wrote:

All abou this sea monsters
This is a sea monster.  It has 6 seds.  I has razor sharp teeth. I like sea monsters becase there cool.  Theas sea monsters are fast swimers. then are 6 sea monsters one oreng, and one green, and one wight and blak stayps, and one that is tercoys (turquoise) with perpal pocae dotses, and one that has littale santas on it, and one with Dragen fies on it.  Sometimes they tacal each-other. (try to kill)

I did that.  One monster from your Spanish version of "Where the Wild Things Are".  One of your dragon toys.  And the camel that comes with his own piece of desert.  From your family creche.

Here is your Turquoise Sea Creature, with the Purple Polka Dots.

Here is your Black & White Striped Sea Monster.  I love how you gave it it's own stripes and weren't lazy and used the lines from the paper (that's what I would have done).  
I like how you always surprise me by coming up with new ways to do & see things.

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