Yesterday, I saw R for a few minutes.
I pass by your window everyday.
And when you leave (whenever you do) you pass by mine.
I heard someone on the radio today, who has a "Bipolar Diagnosis". He said how people around him are confused.
I am.
And I WILL smile when I see you!
(I still want to get through to you. You are a nice person. I don't understand what it is you are fighting. Why you seem to be fighting me. Or yourself. I'm on your side. It will always be alright.)
I miss you.
I pass by your window everyday.
And when you leave (whenever you do) you pass by mine.
I heard someone on the radio today, who has a "Bipolar Diagnosis". He said how people around him are confused.
I am.
And I WILL smile when I see you!
(I still want to get through to you. You are a nice person. I don't understand what it is you are fighting. Why you seem to be fighting me. Or yourself. I'm on your side. It will always be alright.)
I miss you.
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